Thursday, April 30, 2009

BIG, EXCITING NEWS for our family!!!

No, I am NOT pregnant again. Come on, admit were all thinking that!

Here are a few pictures illustrating our big, exciting news:

If you look closely in the first two photos, you'll notice that darling Matthew is preparing to enjoy a few Goldfish crackers. In the second two, he's getting his first taste of ice cream. Upon first glance, this doesn't seem like any big deal...right? But wait! Both of those food items have milk in them....and the Sweeneys are giving them to their child? That must mean....yes, that's right!


It's hard to describe just what that feels like. Today was the first time in almost 8 years that one of our children has eaten something with dairy. Matthew is our first child to try Goldfish crackers. I went to the store today and purchased Spagetti-O's, string cheese, macaroni and cheese....and once I got home, I thought of a host of other food items that we've always just avoided and haven't really thought twice about. Matthew can eat all of those things we've had to avoid with the other two! Matthew can eat whatever Darrin and I have for dinner! It's an incredibly liberating feeling! I can't wait to give him all kinds of new foods!

In more sobering news, Emma is extremely jealous of her baby brother, and has proclaimed the un-fairness of it all several times today. Unfortunately, Nathan has quite a severe allergy to milk and egg, as we figured. It's difficult to have it confirmed though, and difficult to put the kids through testing in the first place. Thankfully Nathan won't mind one bit, since he doesn't eat more than a few foods anyway. We're working on that, but that's a story for another post!

I'm off to make a grocery list....I guarantee everything on it will have some dairy in it! : )


Katie Wells said...

Hooray!!! I'm so excited for you and for Matthew! And honestly, I wondered if you were announcing a pregnancy--your title caught me off guard!!

Colleen, Mike, Abbie and Aimee said...

I couldn't be happier! It will be a whole new world for you, but one you will love! YAHOO Matthew!

Alicia Alee said...

Haha, I totally was thinking maybe you were pregnant! :) Yipee for no allergies though!!! That is such great news and will be such a convenience! Hope Nathan is getting better with his food issues too. :)

Bekah said...

Is it crazy that I have tears in my eyes. Allison goes in for her testing on Monday. At her last appointment she waited forever and then fell and cut her lip open on the exam table and we had to postpone testing while we went and got her stitched up :( Three weeks later we finally got into the doctor again. We shall see. I gave her egg last week and she didn't react! Fingers crossed that it's JUST milk.

Bekah said...

oh, and yes, I thought you were saying you were pregnant!