Sunday, May 1, 2011


What an incredible night....I was upstairs clipping coupons when Emma came upstairs to tell me that Osama bin Laden had been killed. Amazing that my daughter, who was born two weeks to the day after 9/11 delivered that news to me. I remember so clearly how it felt to be two weeks away from delivering my first child...watching the horror of the Trade Center attacks unfold on TV. Wondering if we were crazy to bring an innocent child into a world that could be so violent. Now, nine and a half years later, a small piece of justice was served.

It is after one in the morning on the east coast, but there are people out in the streets in DC and New York....singing, waving the flag, and celebrating. It is crazy! It's so nice to see people unified again though, the way we were united after the attacks on 9/11. Hopefully the feeling of unity will last!

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