He did really well at the hospital, and we were even laughing hysterically at one point when the sedative started taking effect. That silly moment quickly passed though, as I watched my sweet little boy heavily sedated getting ready for surgery. I don't even need to say this, especially to the moms, but I can't even describe the feeling when they wheel him away from us. Rip out my heart, and stomp on it.
The hour passed fairly quickly....I managed to get some work done while waiting. When the surgeon came to meet with us, I anxiously searched his face looking for some clue. My fear all along, as been that this "lump" would be more invasive than they thought, and the surgery would go differently than expected. That's exactly what happened. Originally, they planned a one-inch incision to remove this "3 cm" mass. It ended up involving a three-inch incision to remove a 5 by 7 cm mass. The surgeon said he had never seen anything like it. Apparently, it was almost sponge-like in appearance, and ended up being multiple clusters of very small fluid-filled cysts. It extended down well past the point where the visible lump was, and also around to his back.