Saturday, April 16, 2011

New Glasses

Our cute little Emma just got new glasses, and I just had to show them off! Her previous frames kept getting loose, and falling off her face. I was taking them in every month to be adjusted and I just got tired of it. These frames are thicker, and hopefully will be more sturdy. She's still trying to get used to the thicker frames....she says she feels like a racoon or a burgler! : ) Cute as ever though....that's for sure!


kerstin said...

She looks very cute in them, so grown up! How I miss her in my primary class. :)

Colleen, Mike, Abbie and Aimee said...

LOVE the new look! Very cute! Glad she got some that won't fall off her face! Beautiful Emma!

Talia said...

Emma looks so cute in her new glasses! And I read your post on the stitches. Poor kid! Those boys I tell ya. ;) Hope you guys had a fun Easter!!